Välkommen till min blogg! Här hittar du små artiklar med inblick i allt som har med mina fotograferingar att göra, samt lite tips på hur du kan tänka före och efter en fotografering. Till vänster hittar du olika kategorier som du kan utforska för att hitta det som intresserar dig. Nedanför ser du mina senaste inlägg, där jag uppdaterar med tips och berättelser från mina fotograferingar. Jag hoppas du hittar något som inspirerar dig!

>America meets Sweden!

>I was recently down in Skåne visiting family so a few families took the chance to book me. I had a crazy afternoon in Krågeholm shooting no less than 7 children! I was exhausted afterwards!! My first shoot was of Andrea and her 3 kiddies, Filippa 2½ and twins Markus and Rebecka 1.

Markus is so like his dad and Rebecka is a spitting image of her mum! It’s quite uncanny! Something all the children had in common though was really bright eyes! Stunning!

We added a quick session the day after when dad Per was home from working abroad and could also join in. We had plenty of fun playing in their garden under the fruit trees and on the swing. Markus though, I could barely keep up with… but Fillipa was a natural, she speaks with her eyes!

So, here comes an even longer blog than yesterday…but then, it is a family of 5! I hope you like these shots Andrea!