

Autumn is here!

It’s now officially Autumn! The day time temperature has dropped below 10 degrees, the kids have hat and gloves on in the mornings and the leaves are changing colours…and just as the last years have been, I have a VERY busy October month ahead of me! Its the busiest month of the year for me after August. Everybody who planned to do their family photographs suddenly remembers the year is coming to an end and all those well organised mums planning for Christmas gifts also book now.

I actually have an Autumn special just now; family sessions outdoors in October or November for only 500 kr instead of the usual 900 kr. I have just a couple of these session times left at the end of October so if you were thinking of an Autumn outdoor session then do get in touch to be sure I’m available. Be sure to quote ‘Autumn Special’ at the time of your booking.

I’ll leave you with a little inspiration…

höst familjefotografering, utomhusfotografering, barnfotograf huddinge, barnfotograf stockholm, barnfotografering tullinge, lindholmphotography, fotograf terri lindholm

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146 38 Tullinge


Tel: 076 050 1808

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