

>Robert and Annette Engagement

>This evening I had the pleasure of meeting Annette and Robert for their wedding photography planning meeting. I heard about their holiday in Crete. They took a beach walk one evening, except the deck along the pebbled beach was all damaged and tricky to walk on in the dark so they just sat and looked out at the sea. Then Robert ‘saw’ something at the sea edge and made Annette go and look when he ‘found’ something he’d been looking for for a long time… an engagement ring! He asked Annette to marry him almost exactly 1 year ago and she (forgot) to say yes! They are getting married in 1 month at Huddinge Kyrka and I’m really looking forward to their ceremony. They are so quick to laugh so I think it’s going to be beautiful!

Here a few of my favourite shots taken this evening during their test shoot.

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