

Website online at last!

>At long last my website is now online..well in English anyway! It’ll take a another week or so until I’m happy with the Swedish text… Prices for wedding photography will start at 3000 kr and go up to about 10000 kr. Family/baby packages will start at around 1500 kr and engagement around 2000 kr. Exact package prices will be available on my site shortly!

For those who book soon though there is a bargain to be had…The first 5 baby and engagement bookings will be for free including a selection of fully processed high resolution photos on CD…. I’ve already got 3 baby and 2 engagement bookings made though so you’ll have to be quick!

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Studion adress:

146 38 Tullinge


Tel: 076 050 1808

Telefontider: kl9-15

Fotografering sker mot tidsbokning