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Married at Karlbergs Slott

Last weekend I photographed this beautiful and stylish couples wedding at Karlbergs Slott, in central Stockholm. I have photographed many families in the Slott park but never a bridal couple so I was thrilled when they wanted me to document their special day.

Following tradition the groom arrived with the bridalbouquet in hand ready for a their First Look. I love it when a couple chooses this and almost all of ‘my’ couples do and they love it! I think I captured the grooms look of joy perfectly as he turned to face his beautiful bride for the first time!

This was the most beautiful viel ever, a Spanish viel I think it’s called, and we had just a little breeze…and the help of Gisela to capture these lovely shots!

I don’t normally post so many individual shots but this bride is just so stunning I couldn’t help myself!

Denna helg fotograferade jag denna vackert par på deras bröllopsdag på Karlbergs Slott i centrala Stockholm. Det var en riktigt fin vigsel med dess militär inslag! Helt underbar!