

>Autumn days with Oskar

>What a beautiful Autumn it’s been!

Since I am the one usually behind the camera there are not so many photos of Oskar and I together and even less of all three of us together. On top of that all of Oskars grandparents live FAR away! His Swedish half in Skåne and his English half in Germany and Kuwait! So, when my parents came to visit a couple of weeks ago I arranged for Juliana Wiklund ( to photograph of my family. She took some absolutely wonderful photos of us all together which you can see on her blog here.

And on top of having such beautiful photos from Juliana, Olof and I were out for a walk today and Olof took my camera with wonderful results! (photos edited by me).

Chase me…chase me!

and a whole bunch more in this slideshow!

I’ll be putting these collections together to make a great big A3 calender soon and even a photo book just for me!…If I ever get the time!

Check out the calenders here at

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