

>Indoor family photography with Inca and Liv

>This weekend I had a family photo session with a lovely family. Unfortuantely it was pouring down with rain and since we had already rescheduled the shoot once before, we decided to go ahead and do the session indoors. I arrived armed with my bulky equipment made even bigger with my indoor lamp but I was VERY thankful I had it. It gets so dark so quickly now! By the time we finished our session it was pitch black outside!

Liv is just 13 months old and dashes around chasing her older sister at lightening speed! She’s such a cutie.

Inca is 10, stunning and so tall! She was almost as tall as me! Sweden next top model perhaps?!!

Inca was so lovely taking care and playing with her baby siter. She didn’t care one bit when Liv stuck her fingers in her eyes, or pulled her lips…

They are all so playful…

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