

Baby Alice, now 3 weeks old!

I know I’ve been promising blogs for ages and I haven’t delivered… but I promise I’ve been busy! … giving birth! 3 weeks ago our lovely Alice arrived in the world. After regular prelabour contractions on and off for 5 weeks and a long labour Alice decided it was time at last! As they say, good things come to those who wait. She’s such a beautiful darling. Oskar loves her to pieces and just wants to hold her. He thinks it’s funny when she makes noises and says, “Hej hej Alice!” expecting a reply! So sweet! I was pretty out of it for quite a while after the delivery (photographed I should add by Juliana Wiklund) so it took me a whole 6 days to pick up a camera and I haven’t managed more since then. Heres my favourite of our delivery photos taken by juliana. Alice is just a couple of minutes old, lifted up to my chest for the first time.

…and now to some close ups of Alice, 6 days old.

7 days old…

and 2½ weeks!

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