

>Baby Peter: 3 months old!

>2 weeks ago I met this really beautiful family from America. We had the perfect overcast weather for an outdoor shoot… until it rained and we took shelter under the awning in my garden!

Peter is compeltely showered with love. It’s not often you meet a family who share their love so made my job so easy! I could just focus on capturing all those precious moments that they and their families so far away will treasure. Even looking through the photos today to prepare this blog recalled the feeling of this shoot! I love it when that happens!

So here comes probably the longest family blog entry ever! There were just too many wonderful shots to choose from!

I have a crazy week coming up with a backlog of family shoots to edit and blog and a wedding next weekend. I am aiming for 1 family blog per day so lets see if I can manage it!

It’s just a day or 2 left before I’ll be drawing a lottery for a free Autumn shoot of all my facebook fans. Not a fan yet? Click on ‘like’ after clicking here! The winner will receive a free 45 minute shoot in Tullinge this Autumn with 12 high resolution photos, if you don’t fancy being in front of the camera then give the prize away to someone who will!

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146 38 Tullinge


Tel: 076 050 1808

Telefontider: kl9-15

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