Välkommen till min blogg! Här hittar du små artiklar med inblick i allt som har med mina fotograferingar att göra, samt lite tips på hur du kan tänka före och efter en fotografering. Till vänster hittar du olika kategorier som du kan utforska för att hitta det som intresserar dig. Nedanför ser du mina senaste inlägg, där jag uppdaterar med tips och berättelser från mina fotograferingar. Jag hoppas du hittar något som inspirerar dig!

>Baby Peter: 6 months old!

>A little over a week ago I photographed part 2 of Peters first year! He is now 6 months old already! You may remember him from his 3 month shoot. Apart from being ALOT bigger now and having darker eyes, I don’t think he’s has changed all that much. He looks just his like his dad!

His mum just loves his chubby little feet and legs..aren’t they adorable?!

His latest feat is to chew on his toes!

We even managed a few minutes outside in the perfect light of overcast skies, even though it was the middle of November!

I just LOVE this photo! Perhaps it’s because I’m a mum too, but I just love to capture these little moments of mums and their babies! Perhaps I should have a post filled with such favourites?