

>Gift Certificates and the perfect Christmas present!


Jag älskar mitt jobb som bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm och Skåne! Jag älskar barn- och familjefotografering! Denna gången visa jag bilder från min vardag med min lille kille! Kör ett presentkort till en fotosession hos mig! Det blir en perfekt julklapp!
It’s the time of year when you sit down for a nice quiet cup of tea and your mind wanders off to the topic of christmas presents and panic stikes!..well here’s a thought. How about giving a photo session for a Christmas present? This time next year with the pictures hanging on the wall your loved ones won’t have forgetten what you gave them because they’ll still be enjoying the perfect gift! You can give a gift cerificate for any amount or even a full package, just as you choose.

Did you have a shoot with me this year but wish you’d ordered a photobook or more prints? Then wish these things for yourself!!

Are you getting married next year? Then wish for gift certificates and use them to pay for your wedding photography!

Since a blog isn’t finished without a photo I thought I’d show a few that share my everyday life… pictures of Oksar! 12½ months!

He’s learnt to clap his hands and walks around very happy clapping away!

until he sees my camera and tries to get it himself!

He is usually seen with a telephone of some sort in his hands.. he knows where they all are! Recently though he likes to let me talk in the phone!

If he doesn’t have a telephone then he has a pen…and he won’t let go of it even if he’s playing with somthing else, such as the guitar hero!

And he loves to roll around and rub his face into our new fake fur blanket!

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146 38 Tullinge


Tel: 076 050 1808

Telefontider: kl9-15

Fotografering sker mot tidsbokning