

Engagement session with Nina and Fredrik

This weekend I just arrived back from a wonderful holiday (in-parts) from Italy (photos to come soon)! My parents are currently living in Italy so off we all trotted to visit them in Vicenza. We stayed at the most amazing agriturism place on a farm a little outside Vicenza. I wrote that the holiday was wonderful in parts because for 4 out of the 7 days at least one of us was desperately ill with winter vomiting disease! AGAIN! We all had it in December last year and poor Oskar was hospitalised with it for 6 days but fortunately he coped much better this time!..anyway, home on Saturday and on Sunday straight back to work with an engagement session with Nina and Fredrik. But this was not an ordinary photo shoot, Nina and Fredrik had invited me to join them for a picnic after the shoot with my family! We sat in the sun enjoying the sea views from Djurö for an hour. How lovely is that?!

Anyway, now onto some of my favourite photos! Nina and Fredrik are probably the most in tune and loving couple of I have ever met! They are filled with all the excitement of the year to come! They have only been together a year but even after their first date they both knew they had each met ‘the One’! beautiful!…

I just loved this moment of Nina!

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