

>Facebook contest winner! Farrah!

>In August I started my Facebook fanpage with a contest. I would draw a random name of all my fans at the end of August. When I mailed Farrah and told her she had won the prize and asked her if she would like the free photo shoot she was totally thrilled!! She told me how she’d been following my blog just wishing she could do a photo shoot with her little girl Jasmine! Well, this Sunday the session date finally arrived. We had a beautiful sunny morning but it freezing cold! Literally! It was 0 degree centigrade outside but we had such fun playing with the Autumn leaves that it took us a while before we really noticed the cold!

Here are some of my favourite shots of the session. Jasmine is such a beautiful, happy little girl and only 18 months old!..and what a beautiful name to match!

I’ve always reviewed, sorted and edited my photos using Adobe bridge and Photoshop CS4 but I’ve finally made the step of testing Adobe Lightroom and this shoot is my first one edited using this new software. So far I like it but there is still LOADS left to learn. One thing I love though is the slideshow functionality. So for those clients out there waiting to see pictures, it’ll be worth the wait…I promise!

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146 38 Tullinge


Tel: 076 050 1808

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