

>Farmers market

>Back in September I spent an afternoon documenting the Farmers Market (Bondensmarknad) on Södermalm as part of a 4 man team of photographers from my photo club (stockholmsbild). The job was part of a project in collaboration with Stockholms City Museum (stadsmuseet) to update the documentary picture archives. There were 5 other teams documenting different markets across the city at exactly the same time. Together we had an exhibition at the annual Fotomässan and next week our group will present a larger collection of photos at the Farmers market Annual Meeting. We also have a local exhibition coming up soon at Medborgarsplatsen library. Since I haven’t published any of these shots before I have created a couple of collages to share now. My responsibility in the team was to focus on portraits of the shoppers and stall holders as well as products. Others focussed on the stalls, overviews and transactions.
(For those who can’t read Swedish the sign in the first collage says pick your own bouquets!)

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