

>Ginny and her girls Amelia (4 months) and Taylor (22 months)

>I’ve spent some of my Summer vacation in Båstad, Skåne where my family has a Summer house. We had the most amazing weather… 29 degrees and lovely warm sea to swim in! Even Oskar enjoyed a little paddle!!

Anyway, I finally had the opportunity to photograph Ginny and her girls since I was in her neighbourhood at last. She had been waiting for me to make a trip South since the Spring. We are both part of the same network of English speaking families Mums In Sweden.

Ginny is normally the one behind the camera when it comes to photos of her family so she really wanted some natural fun pictures of her with Amelia and Taylor! Amelia was so calm and sweet (and mostly slept) and Taylor loved to play with her mum swinging up high in the air. Everybody thinks that Taylor is much older than she is because she’s so tall, and has such lovely thick hair, but she’s she’s only 22 months…not even 2 yet! We took these pictures at Ginny’s horse farm Acasia in Flyinge and here are some of my favorites.

I hope you like them Ginny…and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

For those of you in Skåne reading this who would like to book me, I am most likely making a trip down to Båstad again mid-August so just get in touch and we can see what we can arrange. If August doesn’t suit you, then I could make a weekend trip down especially if you get together with 4 other famililes and book my Silver spoon package I’ll shoot you all on the same day, same location!

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