

>Leo – almost 2 years!

>Ealier this week I photographed Leo, his mum, his nanna and his aunti at Karlbergs Slotts Park. Karen, Leo’s mum is a fellow English lady so I got to do the session in English which was great for me!! Leo’s nanna and aunt flew over to visit for a few days so we took the chance to get some fun extended family photos.

Unfortunately Leo’s dad was on an airplane at the time and couldn’t join us but hopefully these photos will show him how much fun we had running around, playing with a giant basket ball and making bubbles! We were rather tired at the end of the session!

Since my Oskar slept so long today I had the chance to edit lots of my favourite photos, and there are lots! Leo’s eyes are so unusual…a sort of green with a brown center…beautiful!..and so many differnt expressions. He looks so much older in some of the photos don’t you think?

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