

>May Special Offer!

>May 2010 is going to be GREAT month for me!..

1. I have my birthday
2. Oskar will be half a year old!
3. I will celebrate my first ever Mothers day!

So, I thought I’d share my joy and offer everybody I know a special deal on all photo shoots: weddings, engagements, babies, families, bellies or couple shoots!

25% discount on all bookings taken in May for shoots May – September 2010!

Please spread the news to everyone you know who might be interested!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

…I love these photos of Oskar playing with his grandad!

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Studion adress:

146 38 Tullinge


Tel: 076 050 1808

Telefontider: kl9-15

Fotografering sker mot tidsbokning