

>Wilmer 6 months old!

>Jag älskar mitt jobb som bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm och Skåne! Jag älskar även barn- och familjefotografering!

2 weeks ago Wilmer turned 6 months old. He is the baby of my good friend Eva-Lena who had asked me to photograph their little darling. Since it’s now December and gingerbread is a symbol of Christmas in Sweden, Wilmer started his shoot in a little gingerbread man (pepperkaksgubbe) outfit! Isn’t it sooo cute!

and sometimes only daddy cuddles will do…

and then mummy cuddles too…

and even family cuddles!

Eva-Lena loves the darker thick hair on the back of Wilmer’s head. Oskar had the same!

Wilmer can just about sit up by himself now! There is a topple to the side every once in a while but it won’t be long now untill he’ll be happily upright!

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