

>Anne and Henri part 2


So here is part 2 of Anne and Henri’s wedding photos! I just love black and white photos and since this day was shot in the photojournalistic style I thought it was rather appropriate to blog (almost) entirely black and white shots! A huge thanks to Juliana once again for asking me to assist. This day was a real challenge of speed and light. Big congrats to Anne and Henri!

this lovely light affect is not shooting into the light but an effect of the lens steaming up after coming inside from the -12 degree cold outside!

Anne is so fotogenic and looked great from every angle but this shot is probably my favourite.

Anne and henri have 2 kids, Ella and Ellis and they were both sooo cute!

Here’s a few shots from their almost lightening quick ceremony at the town hall.

…and I just couldn’t resist sharing these colour photos taken at the Grand Hotel…

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