

Nina and Fredrik Married at Djurönäset!

This weekend I Nina and Fredriks wedding photographer! After their lovely engagement shoot I was so looking forward to this day. The setting was at Djurönäset, a little outside Stockholm…the perfect archepelago setting. The location, the rooms, the staff were all lovely. Most importantly though, Nina and Fredrik were beaming happiness, bliss, love. They were just perfect! So, here are just a few of my favourites from their portrait session!

This was my last wedding of the year. Boo hoo. I am now 5 months pregnant and the pelvic girdle pains are causing too much pain and difficulty to continue. Since I suffered similar problems during my last pregnancy I could make the cancellations necessary in good time and help all my late Summer couples find amazing alternative photographers. I’m going to be missing out on loads of beautiful weddings but I’ll be following lots of blogs looking out for ‘my’ couples!! So, with this, my last wedding of the year I had the assistance of Özgür who was brilliant in lugging my heavy bag around! Thank you so much!

To my followers, don’t fret, I will still be blogging, although not over these next few weeks while I take some vacation. I have a few things left in the pipeline and eventually photos of our baby girl (so they tell us) when she shows up in the Autumn!

Denna helg var jag bröllopsfotograf åt Nina och Fredrik och det var underbart! Jag fotograferade de på vigselplatset, Djurönäset, utanför Stockholm.

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