

Angelika and Johnnie Married at Noors Slott

This Saturday was the kind of days all brides dream about when they plan their wedding… blue skies and all the sun you can imagine! It was perfect. For us photographers it is a challenge to find nice soft light, but I managed…mostly!

My second shooter, Cherrie, and I arrived at Noors Slott to photograph the last of Angelika and Johnnies preparations…this means getting dressed! This is a big deal for any bride. It’s a magical moment when you put on that very special gown. Suddenly it’s real, it’s now! You’re getting married to the man of your dreams today! I remember the feeling so well!

For Jonnie’s getting ready pictures you’ll have to take a look at Cherrie’s blog in a few days!

I just love the lighting in this photo!

An emotional first look at eachother!

Angelika and Johnnie’s ceremony was outdoors under an avenue of trees. Beautiful! At the end of their ceremony several of their guests sang together each standing up in turn. It was soooo beautiful! I can’t tell you how much, other than that it was a good job my lens had vibration reduction because my eyes poored and my hands shook!

I helgen var jag bröllopsfotograf på Noors Slott. Det var en fantastsik dag och en ära att fota underbara Angelika and Johnnies stora dag.

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