

>Rebecca and Andy: Married at Skansen!

>Yesterday I shot a wedding with Juliana of More than Words and the forecast was rain! Oh no! BUT… on the whole rain held off for the 2 hour portrait session and we had an amazing time! Rebacca and Andy were just ooozing love and laughter making our job really quite easy! Rebecca works in finance but she could have another career as a model I’m sure: she was such a natural at finding poses for us and looked stunning in every shot!

Most of the photo session was at Skansen which gave us the amazing opportunity of shooting Rebecca and Andy in the most super locations! The ceremony followed at Seglora church but for now the portrait session will have to be enough to satisfy your curiosity! Thanks so much Juliana, Rebacca and Andy for a really fun day! A few shots are shown here and a slide ahow with even more comes at the end of this post! But first… an action shot of Juliana as Rebecca and Andy see eachother for the first time all dressed up ready to get married!

and the slideshow…

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