

>Wedding of Hanna and Ingemar

>Today I had the pleasure to assist Juliana Wiklund of to shoot a wedding. Something I haven’t done since last Summer! What a great day!

Today is the day to make the big step into marriage for Ingemar and Hanna. Although they themselves said that it felt like a natural step and was really not a big deal! They are two very cool cucumbers, very much in love. And today is Ingemar’s birthday so it’s double congratulations!

Today was also a big step for me… I went somewhere without Oskar for the first time! I left him at home with his dad and my mum. I cried for about 10 minutes after I left home but as soon as I got busy at the shoot I was fine…although I was extra emotional and was brought to tears on more than one occasion!

Here are some shots taken during the portrait session. I made today an extra challenge for myself…1 camera and 1 lens! I of course took my new D700 and my 50 mm f1.4. It was a real challenge of composition to work without a zoom lens but I really enjoyed it and think the results speak for themselves. More shots will follow later in the week of shots taken during the ceremony and out in the snow!..yes Hanna was brave and ventured out into the blustery cold snow!

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