

A sleeping beauty

>I’m snowed under at the moment designing books for families and editing photos for enlargements. I’ve even recently ordered what I hope to be the most amazing photo book to offer my wedding couples and families. The book is the same lay flat design as my current books but this one is handbound in leather (with loads of colour options)! The pages are about 2mm thick each so I am expecting my 30×30 cm book to weight about 2½ kg! I hope to receive it in a couple of weeks so keep an eye on my blog for pictures!

Since all blog posts should have a picture, I’m posting one of Anya, one of the enlargements her parents have ordered! Isn’t she such a beauty! (Julia, I’ll be working on your pictures next week!)

I have so many exciting shoots coming up this month including family sessions, an engagement session, a newborn session and in a month my first wedding of the season! Happy days! If you are thinking of booking a Spring photo session with me then send me an email of give me a call! If you are one of those lucky people who have recently received gift certificates then drop me a line, I’d love to hear from you and book in your photoshoot!

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