

Angelika and Jonnie; Engagement Photos in Gamla Stan

>Last week I met up with Angelika and Jonnie for their engagement shoot in Gamla Stan. We had a blast! The light was absolutely perfect and they were perfect models. Both Angelika and Jonnie were so relaxed in front of the camera and had no problems sharing their feelings for eachother with my camera!

I’m so looking forward to their wedding day in June at Noors Slott! I’ll be covering Angelika getting ready and my second shooter, Cherrie, will be covering Jonnie. They are going to have the perfect story to tell in the wedding photo book. Cherrie was also with me for this engagement shoot and you can see her lovely pictures on her blog.

Well, here are a few of my favourite pictures from the photo session! I have also just finished their photo guestbook design which I LOVE but I won’t blog that until after their wedding!

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