

Workshop with Joe Buissink

>I’ve had such an amazing day! I’ve been at a workshop with Joe Buissink organised by Scandinavian Photo. It’s been a day full of emotions, tips of different photography techniques and quite simply bursting with inspiration! Taking shelter from the hail and snow (I know it’s May!) we had a shoot with beautiful bridal models to put into action our new found ideas! I even borrowed a 70-200mm lens from Nikon which I loved!!

I have so many things in the pipe line, I’m so behind with my blogging! I have a fantastic engagement session to share, photos of Oskar and his new second cousin (sysling for your Swedes reading) and photos from another great workshop with Benny Ottosson and not to mention this weekends coming wedding!!… but for now, here a few of the days favourites with my time with the lovely Jessica!

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