

Baby session

I’m busy in the studio today editing, music planing and reliving some of my most recent sessions.  When a family comes to my studio we spend an hour together and after that I spend another hour or two sorting their images and doing a light edit so their best images are ready for their viewing. After the favourites are ordered I edit them in more detail so they are ready for production. I thought I’d show a few of this beautiful babys portraits I’ve been working on today.

barnfoto stockholm, barnfoto tullinge, bebisfoto stockholmbarnfoto stockholm, barnfoto tullinge, bebisfoto stockholmbarnfoto stockholm, barnfoto tullinge, bebisfoto stockholmbarnfoto stockholm, barnfoto tullinge

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146 38 Tullinge


Tel: 076 050 1808

Telefontider: kl9-15

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