

>Competition – Family favourites 2010!

>Competition! Read below!!!

So, at last I have picked out no less than 129 favourites from all my family shoots during 2010! It was a really tough job but I am happy with the result! It’s great to look back through these photos and remember all the wonderful families I’ve met. Each family has their own charms and I love to capture these in camera.

It was even harder picking out 5 pictures to add to this blog post and maybe my choice reflects what is dearest to me at the moment…children with their mums! But I do love to capture little ones with their dads too!!!

Now, here comes the competition!… Go and visit my Facebook page and click on Like/Gilla. Look for the Family Favourites photo gallery and select your favourite photos! You can vote for 3 photos. The family in the photo with the most votes by Valentines day (14/02) wins their picture mounted on a kappa board in 30x45cm! So, round up all your friends and family and get them all to vote and make one of my 2010 families SUPER HAPPY this Valentines!

If you’d like to book a session for your family this Spring, then call or mail me and get a date booked!..Or if you know a family who’d love some photos taken then buy them a gift certificate! You pick the amount you want to give.

Here’s my favourites in a slideshow! If you are watching at work, beware, there is music!

Jag älskar mitt jobb som bröllopsfotograf i Stockholm och Skåne! I helgen har jag fotat X & X bröllop i Stockholm!Jag älskar barn- och familjefotografering! Jag fotografera fler familjer i Stockholm och Skåne.

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