

New viewings with LIVE photos

I have something really exciting to share!

I’ve been working on a new product and a new way of working and now everything is in place, tried and tested and I want to shout it out from the rooftops! LOOK!… You now get to see your pictures edited and printed AT YOUR VIEWING! You can pay and take them home with your right there! NO MORE WAITING! (If you want larger framed pieces I still have my full product assortment of course and I can order just as before)… Just imagine… taking home your entire collection of prints, frames and files directly from your viewing…just 1- 2 weeks after your session!

I’m fully booked up to midsummer and now taking bookings for the last week in July and August!


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Studion adress:

146 38 Tullinge


Tel: 076 050 1808

Telefontider: kl9-15

Fotografering sker mot tidsbokning