

>Oskar 9 months today!!

>9 months ago today our little Oskar was born… how times flies!

Today Oskar had a check up at the health clinic and he is now a whopping 7870 grams and is 71.1 cm long!!

So, in honour of this special day here comes a whole selection of photos of Oskar taken over the Summer. I’ve hardly had any time for personal photography (due to too many clients!!) so these pictures go back to May… but we’ll start with the ones I snapped quickly in the garden this afternoon showing all his expressions and his love of clambering!

and look at his cute dimples!!

no more mummy!

Look at me, I’m walking!!!

yum yum!

His own disused mobile phone ready for eating!

I’m just sooo good looking with my bedtime hairdo…don’t you think?!


OOoohh… I love to pull daddy’s hair!

…and I can blow bubbles!

They made me bathe in this at the Summer house!

…Cool auntie Stina wrote me my own book and had it printed!!

..and I could charm even the old ladies in Italy!

..and swimming in the pool evert afternoon with daddy was brilliant!

and walking up high here with mummy!

and Juliana took these of mummy and me way back in May!..look how short my hair was then!

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