

>Jimmy, Sydney, Scarlet and her belly of twins!

>Scarlett had booked me back in May to take some family shots and I was thrilled! I had met Scarlet and Sydney last year on photo shoot with morethanwords for a Semper campaign and remembered Sydney’s stunning blue eyes!..Then Scarlet said, and I’m pregnant, with twins! Lets book the shoot early then!… So, yesterday I had the pleasure of photographing Scarlet at 28 weeks pregnant with her husband and 19 month old little girl…and what a lovely family! They are so playful and happy and all excited about the two little babies in Scarlets tummy! Sydney is so cute when she kisses the babies! So much love in the air!

I have soooo many bookings coming up in the next 2 weeks so this is probably my last long blog for a while. I’ll do my best though to keep the blogs coming in this busy period!

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