

Susann and Ricky Part 1: The Wedding!

>This weekend I had the pleasure of photographing the wedding of Ricky and Susann and the christening of their little Liam at Hagabergs kapell in Södertälje. This blog post is all about the wedding and another will follow shortly with my favourites from the christening!

Susann and Ricky don’t need any introduction since I posted about them recently with the engagement photos! Needless to say, I was SOOO looking forward to seeing them on Saturday. The first time I got to see them was actually as they entered the church while the bells rang. I was sat in the aisle waiting for the first shot. I was the first of everyone in the church to see them and my eyes filled with tears. They were so beautiful!!

Since Susann and Rickys wedding was also a christening, they decided to do away with the evening reception which meant NO FIRST DANCE!!! I just couldn’t have that!… so with the help of Spotify and Annas iphone we downloaded my all time favourite song (More than Words by Extreme) and ta da… the perfect first dance at the waters edge! …More crying and stunning photographs!

Thank you for choosing me to be your photographer! It was a fabulous day! And huge thanks to Anna for second shooting and holding reflectors perfectly! (Keep an eye out on her blog for her version on this lovely wedding day!)
As a little extra something special I have even prepared a slideshow coving the events of the day! I hope you enjoy!

(For all photographers out there, I have edited these photos in Lightroom only and made the slideshow using Showit Web.)

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