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Interviewed by Aifo

I am an ambassador for Elinchrom. Its the brand of my flashes. Basically it means I help out at trade shows doing some demonstrations or just helping my collegues out and talking openly about my experience with their equipment. Last year, Aifo interviewed me in this role so I thought I’d share the video here 🙂 I talk about why I use Elinchrom in my studio and a little about some of my favourite pictures and how I’ve lit them.


SM porträttfotografi 2015

What a surprise?!

I’m thrilled with my results at the Swedish Masters in Portrait Photography this year. I entered 6 portraits, they all went to the final round. I won the themed category! My score was 88 points (of 100) which on an international scale is a ‘silver/excellant’. The category was ‘i väntans tider’ which translated to ‘in times fo waiting’. I decided to make a composite image of a clock with a newborn at the center…the focus of the waiting mum. I also received an honourary mention for my portrait, ‘She’s mine’ of a proud dad holding his newborn baby girl.

In the total championships I landed in 8th place in the country! I couldn’t be more proud…. I was secretly hoping for a top 10 placing and I made it! Lets see if I can do top 5 next year!

SM Porträttfoto, SM foto, fotograf terri lindholm, fotograf stockholm

SM Porträttfoto, SM foto, fotograf terri lindholm, fotograf stockholm


När jag har en nyföddfotografer tar jag alltid familjefoto med och även bebisen med bara mamma och bara med pappa. När det är första barnet är dessa bilder så viktiga då de blir det första familjefoto som kommer betyder så mycket till så många i släkten. Jag knappt kommer ihåg det första tiden efter mina barn var födda. Jag vara i en dimma av medicin och trötthet så jag blir alltid lika förvånad över hur pigga och snygga mina kunder är fast de har precis fått sina bebisar! Här bjuder jag på några första familjefoto med denna en vecka gammal sötnos.

stockholm nyföddfoto, nyföddfotografering i tullinge, mellan huddinge och tumba.nyföddfotograf i tullinge, nyföddfotografering i tullinge, mellan huddinge och tumba.

Babies in the studio

It’s Summertime and that means of course loads of outdoor children and family photography sessions but that doesn’t mean the studio in Tullinge is off limits…far from it! …The studio is perfect for baby sessions in natural light avoiding flashes and strobes. I have a nice selection of props and hairbands for baby photography although it’s always wonderful when a family arrives with their own personal details…or as in this lovely family, the wedding rings. My studio is perfectly equipped to take care of the smallest babies, a sofa for nursing, microwave and changing table all in place.

bebisfoto, barnfotografering i dagljus studio stockholm, tullinge.bebisfoto, nyföddfoto, barnfoto i dagljus studio stockholm, tullinge.familjefotografering stockholm, family photographer stockholm, bebisfoto, barnfotografering i dagljus studio stockholm, tullinge.bebisfoto stockholm, familjefotografering stockholm, tullinge

Det är sommartiden och det betyder naturligtvis massor av utomhus familjefotograferingar, men det betyder inte att studion är stängt … långt ifrån det! … Min studio i Tullinge är perfekt för babyfoto med gott om dagsljus så vi kan undvika blixtar. Jag har ett fint urval av rekvisita och hår/pannband mm även om det är alltid underbart när en familj användar sina egna personliga detäljer. Min studio är fullt utrustat med en bekväm soffa för amning, skötbord och micro, perfekt anpassat till de minsta.

Autumn Special Offer!

Autumn is here and the colour of the leaves are turning which means it’s the last chance for the year to take some colourful childrens and family portraits! So, here’s a special offer for you… 50% discount off the photography fee for a mini session in October! Instead of the usual full hour we will focus on one of portraits, sibling photos or family portraits rather than all three and be wrapped up within 30 minutes. Sessions are in Tullinge and to ensure I can deliver your fabulous products in time for Christmas there are a limited number of slots so do get in touch if you are interested to book your date.


Tom, Jack and Anna!

This week I started shooting again! Yeah! It was last July that I last had a real session so I was both nervous and excited to be photographing Tom 6, Jack 4, and Anna 2 this week. I didn’t need to be nervous at all though! It was like riding a bike and these three kiddies played so lovely together and enjoyed all of my silly games that our hour flew by in the blink of eye! (I since heard that the family had such a great morning that they skived off school together for the rest of the day and made it a family day! Nice!)

Here are some of my favourite shots of the session. There were so many good photos to choose from with such a huge variety of different expressions it wasn’t easy to pick these out!

Barnfotograf Tullinge Stockholm

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Studion adress:

146 38 Tullinge


Tel: 076 050 1808

Telefontider: kl9-15

Fotografering sker mot tidsbokning