Välkommen till min blogg! Här hittar du små artiklar med inblick i allt som har med mina fotograferingar att göra, samt lite tips på hur du kan tänka före och efter en fotografering. Till vänster hittar du olika kategorier som du kan utforska för att hitta det som intresserar dig. Nedanför ser du mina senaste inlägg, där jag uppdaterar med tips och berättelser från mina fotograferingar. Jag hoppas du hittar något som inspirerar dig!

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Foto till CV eller LinkedIn

LinkedIn foto, CVfoto, headshot
CV foto för LinkedIn

Nuförtiden behöver vi alla ett par bra bilder av oss själva – en profilbild för en CV eller LinkedIn kanske, eller bilder för din ny hemsidan till ditt företag. Det är viktigt att du känner igen dig själv och samtidigt visa din bästa sida på dina porträttfoton. Dina bilder ska förmedla trovärdighet och visa det du vill sälja. Det är viktigt att din uttryck, kroppsspråk och även ljuset stämma med det du vill förmedla.

Jag kan hjälpa dig att synas med professionella och samtidigt personliga bilder. Jag kan fotografera dig mot det stilrena vita bakgrunden eller mot grå eller svart, i miljön hos er, ute i staden eller naturen.

Bilderna kan du använda på så många sett: till LinkedIn, CV, facebook, hemsidor, årsredovisningar, broschyrer, visitkort och annan marknadsföringsmaterial.

Ring mig för att boka en stund i studion eller om du vill ha en offert för mig att åker ut till din arbetsplats.


CV foto i halvkropp med avslappnad posering
Utomhus personalfoto för hemsidan
CV foto för presentationer


…continuing with the live sessions I did on stage in Finland… I also had a family with 3 teenagers to photograph. It was just such fun and I just love the tougher lighting I could use with the old ‘kids’. I took some cool shots for the teenagers and some more traditional for the parents 🙂 so…more teenagers in the studio please!!

tonåringar, ungdomar, porträttfoto, syskonfoto, syskonfotografing stockholm, barnfotografering stockholm, barnfototonåringar, ungdomar, porträttfoto, syskonfoto, syskonfotografing stockholm, barnfotografering stockholm, barnfoto


Teaching in Finland

As an Elinchrom ambassador I was asked to travel to Lahti in Finand and talk about childrens and family photography. At first I thought it was a 2 hour seminar but then I found out it was 2 days and they wanted 2 live family sessions – on stage – in front of 50 photographers! Nervous?…YES! But it was great fun! Here’s a few of my favourites! I posted a few behind the scenes on my facebook page is you are interested 🙂 For the photographers reading – the backgroud I used here on stage is a new ones from lastolite – it was really nice, especially shooting at a short depth of field witht eh portraits.

syskonfoto, syskonfotografing stockholm, barnfotografering stockholm, barnfoto




Stockholm Fotomässa

I’ve realised that I have lot of news from the past year that I had not posted, so I thought I’d write a few posts and catch up! It’s almost a year ago since Stockholms last Fotomässa at Älvsjö. I was working on the Aifo stand as an Elinchrom ambassador doing live childrens sessions! It was quite an experience, but so much fun. This was my second year doing live demos at Fotomässan actually. This year there is no Fotomässan but it will be in march 2018 instead… maybe I’ll see you there!

I thought I’d share some of the resulting pictures of my beautiful model. I was shooting using one of the new Lastolite foldable backgrounds and an Elinchrom ELC 500 eith 120 cm litemotive . It was really nice!

stockholm fotomässan, fotograf stockholm, barnfotograf stockholm., elinchromstockholm fotomässan, fotograf stockholm, barnfotograf stockholm., elinchrom




Finalist in European Portrait Photographer of the Year

In January I found out I was a finalist in the Federation of European Photographers of the Year competition… me! I was thrilled! So, In april I went down to the awards ceremony in Italy to receive my certificate. I awarded a Merit award for one of my portraits and 7 th place in total in the portrait category which sums my 3 highest scoring pictures. I was also there for the FEP AGM – I was there as Swedens representative.  My Olof joined me for the trip and we spent some lovely days around Catania, Sicily. We even took a trip up to mount Etna… it was particularly active just then so we got to see a real lava flow and I actually melted the sole of my shoe!

fotograf stockholm, catania, italy,


Back in the studio for sibling pictures

This week I had the parents of these lovely boys back in the studio to choose their favourite photos. I photographed the oldest brother 3 years ago outdoors…it was a particularly memorable session because a cat came chasing a mouse in front of us…we helped the mouse get away in the end. I’m pretty sure i posted a picture of teh cat and mouse to my faceback feed if you are interested! Anyway, just before the summer holidays I got to photograph the little boy again togteher with his little brother!
barnfoto stockholm, bebisfoto stockholm, barnfotografreing, syskonfotografering, familjefotografing stockholm, terri lindholm. lindholm photography, fotostudio stockholm,barnfoto stockholm, bebisfoto stockholm, barnfotografreing, syskonfotografering, familjefotografing stockholm, terri lindholm. lindholm photography, fotostudio stockholm,barnfoto stockholm, bebisfoto stockholm, barnfotografreing, syskonfotografering, familjefotografing stockholm, terri lindholm. lindholm photography, fotostudio stockholm,

Babyfoto med little E

I photographed this little guy and his family as a newborn and now he was back for his sitter session. It’s so lovley to see how much he’s changed but at the same time see the same features in him. The family started a collection of standouts with their newborn session and are adding with some portraits from thsi session. It’s going to be stunning when it’s all hung together in their home!

babyfoto pojke i blå6 månaders babyfotofamiljefoto med pappafamiljefotografering med mammasittande babyfoto

I’ll dig out some of baby Es newborn pictures and post them too!


My studio backgrounds

My studio backgrounds are handpainted which adds to the luxurious painterly effect of the final portrait. I ordered them from the states and they are masterpieces in themselves…in fact the artist has signed them! I advise my clients to bring clothes that don’t scream out, ‘look at me’! I plan to create portraits where the child and family members stand out first: clothing is just decoration 🙂 You will be able to proudly hang the portraits on your walls for many years even if your interior design at home changes… your portraits will be timeless.

If you are looking for pictures of your kids in their everyday brightly coloured bold colours and a white background, I’m probably not the photographer for you.

I have 4 backgrouds, brown, dark grey, light grey and my most commonly used one which is in a natural canvas with pink, blue, green and yellow tones so it goes well with most neutral and pastel toned clothes. I typicaly use the lighter beige to start with and if all goes well and baby is having a good day, I’ll do a series on a darker background. These pictures really pop with babys light porcelin skin against the darker background! They are often my favourites!

1-årsfoto, 1-årsfotografering, babyfoto, babyfotografering

1-årsfoto, 1-årsfotografering, babyfoto, babyfotografering1-årsfoto, 1-årsfotografering, babyfoto, babyfotografering