Fotograf Terri Lindholm



Category Archives: Barnfotografering

>Maya, Max & Minette!

>I’m a little slow blogging this post but here it is better late than never! A couple of weeks ago I went out to Rosendals trädgård to meet Juliana and see a couple of her family shoots in action. This is the first of them, there’s one more to come. It’s always fun to see how other photographers work and then see their final results! I had a great time, so thanks to both Julina and this lovely Swinglish (Swedish-English!) family!

>Baby Stella, 6 months young!

>What a beautiful day it’s been today after the past few days of grey skies and rain! To end the day I had a family shoot with Maria, Andreas and their 6 month old baby Stella who has the most beautiful eyes with long thick dark eylashes! Here’s a small selection of the pictures. It’s a real variety: we have some elegant portraits, family candids and playful baby shots. I hope you like the shots Maria and Andreas as much as I do! You have lots to choose from!

>Tilda and Ida

>So, here is the full blog just for lovely Ida and Tilda! This was a really fun photo shoot and a tough blog to select photos for since there were so many lovely shots. I just couldn’t decide which ones to share…so there are quite a few here!

Tilda is the budding balarina, so graceful and elegant for just 3 years old!

Ida is the brave gymnast who showed me her cartwheels and rolypolies! I was actually a gymnast when I was younger and I just wish I could still do those some of those things!

>Oskar 6 months young!

>As promised here are some more pictures of Oskar taken yesterday! I just can’t believe that he is 6 months old already! But then I look at these photos and he looks so much older.. it must be all his hair!

For those interested in used both my 90mm 2.8 and 50mm 1.4 lenses using only natural light to take these shots.

When I tickle Oskar he laughs out load and always bites his hand! It’s sooo cute!

Here you can just about see that Oskar’s eyes are changing colour. Just around the pupil you can see that the iris is not so blue any more… I guess he’s going to end up with my eye colour… hazel…that means a sort of browny-green for you Swedes!

…and he still loves his books! This one, ‘The Hungry Catapiller’ is a classic. It’s so lovely that he will read the same book as I did when I was a child!

Here are some shots taken against the sun of him exploring the grass and flowers around him. Oskar has really only been able to sit unassisted for any prolonged period of time since a week ago so this was his absolute first time to sit and explore the nature for himself! He was so focussed!

hhmmm.. my beautiful baby!

>Lots to do! Sneak previews of Oskar, Tilda and Ida

>So much to do and so little time! Oskar of course is where most of time goes these days and life couldn’t be better… well if I lost the hayfever I might be a bit happier! Oskar turned 6 months last week so I had to document this time of course. He can now sit up all be himself and play which is so lovely! And in honour of this milestone here’s a picture of Oskar enjoying the Spring!

I also did a short shoot of the two beautiful sisters Tilda and Ida! There will be lots more shots of them coming soon!

>May Special Offer!

>May 2010 is going to be GREAT month for me!..

1. I have my birthday
2. Oskar will be half a year old!
3. I will celebrate my first ever Mothers day!

So, I thought I’d share my joy and offer everybody I know a special deal on all photo shoots: weddings, engagements, babies, families, bellies or couple shoots!

25% discount on all bookings taken in May for shoots May – September 2010!

Please spread the news to everyone you know who might be interested!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

…I love these photos of Oskar playing with his grandad!

>Oskar’s Naming Ceremony, 10th April


Our family is not religious so a christening didn’t seem quite right but we still wanted to celebrate our little Oskar and his addition to the larger family. So we had a name giving ceremony for him in sunny Spain, where half of my family live! We all flew down together with Olof’s parents and brothers. My brother and his wife even flew in for the weekend from the UK. It was a perfect day, definately one we will remember!

The ceremony was out in a lovely park in Guadamar and took just 15 minutes. The idea was that at the end of teh cermeony everyone would come and give Oskar a kiss and he would give everyone a helium filled balloon to let fly. There were just 2 problems… firstly, Oskar slept through the ceremony and secondly, the baloons kept popping, so a bunch of 14 baloons turned into a sad pair!

During the ceremony we read this poem which I thought I’d share with you all as a reminder to how we can all make the world a better place!

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith.
If children live with acceptance and friendship,
They learn to find love in the world.

Filip (my brother in law) took all the photos during the ceremony including this one.

…more pictures in this slideshow!

The cute outfit Oskar is wearing a real Hawaian shirt and shorts that Richard and Katy bought for him while on their honeymoon before Oskar was even born! Much more fun than a traditional christening gown!

>Oskar 4 months!

>This is probably my favourite shot of the year!

Today marks 4 whole months since our lovely Oskar was born so new pictures are in order! He’s such a delight and I can’t imagine my life without him. He laughs out loud and giggles and he just melts my heart!

Life is so perfect!

By the way, what do you think of the new blog and website design?

>Oskar’s 3 month checkup

>Oskar turned 3 months on friday and yesterday he had his 3 month check up. He’s now all of 6 kg which means he’s doubled his lowest weight and he is just a snippet under 61 cm long! Time flies by so fast. What happened to my tiny baby? He’s dissapeared and turned into a cute little boy! He’s making such big steps at the moment and his daily tummy time has turned into something he now enjoys and is quite a master a holding up his own head!… the small things we mothers find achievements are quite silly really when I think back to the time before Oskar!

>Mormor and Oskar

>My mum arrived from Spain at the crack of dawn and has spent the day teaching Oskar to read!…he’s only 3 months old TODAY… be he loved every second of it as you can see.

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