

Category Archives: Barnfotografering

>Vincent playing at Tullinge Trädgårdstorp!

>This weekend I met Vincent, 15 months, and his family at Tullinge Trädgårdstorp for an Autumn shoot. The day before the shoot it was 18 degrees and I thought, perfect! But come the day of the shoot, it was a chilly Autumn morning! Oh well, we can’t have it all! Vincent was a charm to photograph. When he laughs, his whole face really lights up! I had loads of fun following him play around the big park in front of the old houses, playing bubbles and running away from his parents! He certainly keeps them on their toes!

I just loved his little outfit. His jeans and shoes are so cool!

…such a cute family…

…and there are even more pictures in the slideshow!

>Autumn shooting vs family…


With my last Summer wedding done I can breathe out and say…What a year it’s been!

I’m actually on maternity leave and have my hands full with our little Oskar each day until about 6pm when Olof comes home from work. Only then can I get down to blogging, editing photos, creating client galleries or designing photobooks while also trying to share some family time before Oskar goes to bed! It’s a constant battle to balance family life and running/developing my business. I guess there are many out there who recognise this difficulty. It’s not made easier either by the fact that I’ve had far more clients this year than expected and that they nearly all want to upgrade their packages!! (Really, I’m not complaining!)

The result of all this though is that I’m constantly playing catch up! At least I have no more families waiting for blog pictures but now I’m playing catch up on the client gallery front..but I’m nearly done there too! And then I have a whole bunch of families and brides working on their picture selection so I have a HUGE amount of photo editing and album designing to do this Autumn. Which brings me to my dilemma… how many more bookings should I accept this Autumn?! I’ve been umming and aarhing for a few weeks over this topic and I’ve decided I’m going to limit my number of booking from now till Christmas. So, If you are thinking of booking me for a shoot before the end of the year you need to get in touch because I don’t have that many sessions left available!

Today, instead of working on a client gallery as I had planned I decided to take my camera into the garden and capture Oskar and his 2 front teeth! I’ve been trying to find time for this for about 3 weeks…and today was finally the day! It’s really quite a challenge trying to entertain him, stop him from eating grass and mud and shoot at the same time…all by myself!… but I managed to get a here they come, our darling Oskar, the cutest baby in the world – 10 months old!

Wedding portrait workshop with Juliana Wiklund

>About 2 weeks ago I attended a workshop with a whole bunch of lovely wedding photographers in Stockhom. It was arranged by the wonderful Juliana of More Than Words. Juliana shared her tips and secrets on reaction shooting techniques using one of her previous customers as our wedding couple.
I had Oskar strapped to by belly in a baby björn so I didn’t get to shoot much, just watch, listen, learn and chat…a few snaps I managed to get anyway…
Big thanks to Juliana, Madley and Henrik!

I love the light in this one…

>Arvid – 9 months

>One of the great things about being a photographer is meeting so many new people. And it’s not like meeting new people at work or through friends because my new people always come to me full of excitement and throughout their session they laugh and have fun and I get to see the best side of everybody! It’s great! But then sometimes I get to photograph people I already know, my friends which is even better… but much more nerve racking! I did this shoot of Maira, Henrik and baby Arvid 3 weeks ago just before my trip to Skåne so they are surely desperate to see their pictures! So, here are some of my favourites!

..and isn’t this just the most determined to walk baby you’ve ever seen?!

>Luke 19 months!

>So, the last, but not least, of my Skåne families! Luke and his parents had such fun in the garden playing with bubbles, picking and eating berries and playing tickles… Luke is ticklish! His parents shower him with so much love there was no shortage of kisses and cuddles. It’s beautiful to watch… but looking back through the photos I saw mostly laughter! Here are some of my favourites!

>Megan 7, Tom 6 and Ty 2!

>I met this family when I was last in Skåne and what a family! They all played so well together and Megan and Tom seem to have a real friendship. Tom looks up to his big sister and she takes good care of him just the way we parents would hope! I hope that Jo and Lawrence think the wait for this blog has been worth it… I think there are some real gems here!

>America meets Sweden!

>I was recently down in Skåne visiting family so a few families took the chance to book me. I had a crazy afternoon in Krågeholm shooting no less than 7 children! I was exhausted afterwards!! My first shoot was of Andrea and her 3 kiddies, Filippa 2½ and twins Markus and Rebecka 1.

Markus is so like his dad and Rebecka is a spitting image of her mum! It’s quite uncanny! Something all the children had in common though was really bright eyes! Stunning!

We added a quick session the day after when dad Per was home from working abroad and could also join in. We had plenty of fun playing in their garden under the fruit trees and on the swing. Markus though, I could barely keep up with… but Fillipa was a natural, she speaks with her eyes!

So, here comes an even longer blog than yesterday…but then, it is a family of 5! I hope you like these shots Andrea!

>America meets Sweden!

>I was recently down in Skåne visiting family so a few families took the chance to book me. I had a crazy afternoon in Krågeholm shooting no less than 7 children! I was exhausted afterwards!! My first shoot was of Andrea and her 3 kiddies, Filippa 2½ and twins Markus and Rebecka 1.

Markus is so like his dad and Rebecka is a spitting image of her mum! It’s quite uncanny! Something all the children had in common though was really bright eyes! Stunning!

We added a quick session the day after when dad Per was home from working abroad and could also join in. We had plenty of fun playing in their garden under the fruit trees and on the swing. Markus though, I could barely keep up with… but Fillipa was a natural, she speaks with her eyes!

So, here comes an even longer blog than yesterday…but then, it is a family of 5! I hope you like these shots Andrea!

>Baby Peter: 3 months old!

>2 weeks ago I met this really beautiful family from America. We had the perfect overcast weather for an outdoor shoot… until it rained and we took shelter under the awning in my garden!

Peter is compeltely showered with love. It’s not often you meet a family who share their love so made my job so easy! I could just focus on capturing all those precious moments that they and their families so far away will treasure. Even looking through the photos today to prepare this blog recalled the feeling of this shoot! I love it when that happens!

So here comes probably the longest family blog entry ever! There were just too many wonderful shots to choose from!

I have a crazy week coming up with a backlog of family shoots to edit and blog and a wedding next weekend. I am aiming for 1 family blog per day so lets see if I can manage it!

It’s just a day or 2 left before I’ll be drawing a lottery for a free Autumn shoot of all my facebook fans. Not a fan yet? Click on ‘like’ after clicking here! The winner will receive a free 45 minute shoot in Tullinge this Autumn with 12 high resolution photos, if you don’t fancy being in front of the camera then give the prize away to someone who will!

>Oskar crawling!

>So Oskar has been creeping around the floor for a few months now. he drags himself along on his belly using his left elbow and right hand. It’s really quite cute… and he’s been learning to walk since midsummer too. He walks along the furniture like a pro now! So I really didn’t expect him to crawl in the traditional sense… but look at him now!

The toy he playing with is an indoor hockey ball. The cheapest and most loved toy at the moment!…oh yeah and if you think he looks different from the post last week it’s because I gave him his first official haircut and chopped an inch off the length on top!

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146 38 Tullinge


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